Atilus is once again proud to partner with southwest Florida sustainable design company Ensite to raise money for the 3rd annual Take Stock in Children “Strides for Education” 5k Run or Walk.
Joining the Atilus-Ensite team this year is southwest Florida estate, trust and financial management services company, Investors’ Security Trust Company.
The business that signs up the most participants will receive a special plaque to hang up. For two years running now, the Atilus-Ensite team has raised the most money of any team! Join us to raise even more money for the next generation of community leaders!
The Take Stock in Children program, administered by the Lee County Foundation for Public Schools, offers a full college scholarship for students who pledge to remain free from drug and alcohol use and keep their grades above a 2.5 grade point average.
You can register to join our team for the race on Saturday, February 1, 2014, at 8am by visiting our team’s race website.
Here are some details about the race:
- When: Saturday, February 1st, 2014 at 8am *same-day registration will be $30/person and begin at 7am so please sign up early!
- Where: Edison State College (8099 College Parkway, Fort Myers, FL). Separate run time for our serious racers! (Run starts at 8:00am, walkers start at 8:05am). Medals and awards for all age groups!
- Bring your kids! After the race, there will be a kids fun run (100 yard dash).
Sponsorship Opportunities Just In Time for the Holidays!
Statewide Title Sponsor: $10,000
- Booth at Edison College Student Plaza on Event Day
- Name and logo on all T-Shirts across state
- Logo on local race T-Shirts
- Signage or company banner (if provided) will be displayed at the Start/Finish Line
- Name & logo on event signage including banner and sponsor boards
- Special recognition during program
- Special recognition in all media and promotional materials
- Recognition in Foundation newsletter and Annual Report
- Special recognition on Race website including logo
Major Sponsor: $2,500
- Booth at Edison College Student Plaza on Event Day
- Logo on local race T-Shirts
- Name and logo on event signage including banner and sponsor board
- Signage or Company Banner (if provided) will be displayed at a water station
- Special recognition during program
- Special recognition in all media and promotional materials
- Recognition in Foundation newsletter and Annual Report
- Special recognition on Race website including logo
Gold Sponsor: $1,000
- Name on event signage including banner and sponsor board
- Logo on local race T-Shirts
- Recognition in all media and promotional materials
- Recognition in Foundation newsletter and Annual Report
- Name listing on Race website
Silver Sponsor: $500
- Name on event signage including banner and sponsor board
- Name listed on local race T-Shirts
- Recognition in Foundation newsletter and Annual Report
- Name listing on Race website
Bronze Sponsor: $250
- Name on event sponsor board
- Name listed on local race T-Shirts
- Name listing on Race website
- Name listing in Foundation newsletter