With the launch of products like Apple’s iPad and Amazon’s Kindle, ebooks are not only making reading cool again but are improving the effectiveness of advertising on the Internet.
While the usefulness of products like the Kindle and the Apple iPad are often being debated they are certainly bringing books back in a big way. This year is supposed to make the milestone where ebooks surpass the 10% mark of all books sold and 2010 has already seen $150 million in wholesale ebook sales alone.
This figure does not even include audio book sales like those through Audible.com.
While newspapers and print media organizations are crying about the demise of their industry entrepreneurs are getting the edge and making millions. Even iconic authors with 12 plus bestsellers under their belts are vowing to no longer pursue traditional publishing methods. Not because no real books are being sold, but because the profit margins from digital books are monstrous in comparison. Instead of only living off of a tiny 10% royalty from using a large publishing house, ebooks offer massive profits. In fact some of the most successful ebook authors are making in excess of $5-10million per month!
However this trend and surge in ebooks isn’t just about making money from selling books. It holds more potential than that. What these numbers mean is that as more and more people get into the habit of buying books online that those offering ebooks and free reports on their sites are going to be in a much better position to attract web traffic and sell the products and services that they are really promoting. It is a great to not only build volume, but customer loyalty and keep them coming back to your site for more. The big problem is that a lot of businesses are just throwing up any old ebook or report on their sites and are unfortunately doing themselves more harm than good. It is like having a website or any type of Internet marketing. If you do it wrong and sloppy you are going to lose the respect of prospects quickly. Don’t just put up any ebook. Have one custom made that perfectly positions your products and services as the answer to your customers’ problems.