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March 30, 2020

Covid-19 Resources: How To Access Google & Facebook’s Small Business Ad Credits

Author: Valerie Baker

During the COVID-19 crisis, many small businesses are struggling to stay afloat and are uncertain of what adjustments to make to their marketing plans and budget. Google & Facebook, which are two of the biggest platforms for online advertising, are taking steps to provide assistance for businesses. Not only are these important platforms for businesses to market themselves, but they are also important sources of information for many people during these uncertain times. They have recognized their responsibility in terms of supporting the community and have both announced they are providing ad credits & resources for small businesses.

So, if you are a small business and want to claim these ad credits to keep your business running through these trying times, here’s some more information on what you can do.

Google’s Small and Medium-Sized Business Ad Credits

In Google’s message from the CEO published on March 27th, they pledged over $800 million to support small businesses. Included in this is $340 million in Google Ads credit available to all SMBs with active accounts over the past year.

These credits are aimed at supporting existing customers, rather than new advertisers. So, to be eligible, you will need to have an active Google Ads account since January 1st, 2019. There is no need to apply – in the coming months, eligible accounts will see available ad credits in their Google accounts. The credits will be usable throughout all of 2020, on ads across all of Google’s platforms – including Search, Display, and Youtube, on any campaign ad types.

There are several factors that have not currently been explained by Google – like when we can expect to receive credits and the exact amount of credits provided, but we hope some of these unknowns will be clarified soon.

The rest of Google’s $800+ million in support is going to helping the World Health Organization (WHO) and other government agencies providing critical information, helping academic institutions and researchers leverage their computing capabilities, and providing direct financial support to producing lifesaving medical devices.

Facebook’s Small Business Grant Program

In a blog post on Tuesday, March 17th, Facebook announced a $100 million program to help small businesses. This program includes ad credits but also includes cash grants – which can help businesses with rent and operational costs, maintaining workforce and connecting with customers.

Grants will be available for up to 3,000 eligible small businesses in 30 countries. It is not clear whether these are for existing customers with ad accounts, or other businesses are eligible. They have not yet begun accepting applications but will in the coming weeks. You can sign up here for updates on more information on how to access grants and when to apply.

Facebook’s COO Sheryl Sandberg also announced that the company is working on ways to expand virtual training and resources to support businesses during this time. They have put together a Business Resource Hub which includes tips on navigating these unprecedented times.

Get Help With Your Small Business During COVID-19

As a digital agency helping clients grow their business online, we also recognize the difficulty businesses are facing during this time. Our team is still working full time to serve all the needs of our clients, and we offer free consultations to help your business with web design, digital marketing, ADA compliance, and any other digital services. We have also compiled our own page of resources that can provide guidance for businesses on how to utilize the digital space during COVID-19.

For any questions, don’t hesitate to give us a call at (239) 362-1271 or contact us online today!

Valerie Baker

Valerie is the Senior Account Manager & Project Manager here at Atilus.

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