With this past year of 2015, Google has added tons of fonts to their web font gallery. I have scoured the web and experimented with many of the different kinds fonts they provide over the past couple of years. One of the most challenging things can be finding that right font for a particular client. In my opinion every font needs its sidekick otherwise things can seem a bit boring sometimes. By having at least two separate fonts on your site, you can really change/intensify the feeling that the user gets by viewing your site.
Below I have a couple of my favorite and frequently used pairs. I have linked the Google fonts to each font title below as well.
Yanone Kaffeesatz & Playfair Display
Carrois Gothic SC & Cutive Mono
Vollkorn Bold & Vollkorn Italic
Thank you and I hope that this post allows you to visualize a new font style for your current and upcoming projects.