Since many people are taking precautions and social distancing amid the COVID-19 pandemic, working from home is now more popular than ever. We are very lucky to have technology that enables us to be able to continue our work and be just as productive as ever without having to leave our homes.
At Atilus, we are a digital agency that has been utilizing the ability to work from home for a while now. While we do have an office space, our team has been working from a few days a week for several years so we have a lot of experience in this that we can share. If you are newly working from home and are looking for tips on how to adjust to it and be as efficient & productive as possible – keep reading!
Set Up Your Workspace so You Can Be Productive as You Work From Home
The first step in getting yourself ready to work from home is to find an area of your home designated to be your workspace.
Ideally, this could be a spare bedroom or space in your home you turn into a home office. However, not everyone is going to have that extra space or resources. If it has to be your kitchen table or an extra desk you set up with your computer and office supplies – that’s okay too. Regardless of where it is, make sure there’s a specific space that’s dedicated to you working.
While it may seem nice to be able to lay in bed or on the couch while you work, I don’t recommend this because it could negatively affect your productivity. If you treat your workspace like you work your desk at work, you’ll find it easier for you to focus and immerse yourself in your work.
Stick to A Schedule
Another important thing to keep you focused when working from home is to stick to a schedule. You may want to take advantage of the extra time you have from not commuting and roll out of bed at 8:55 and be online by 9. However, we recommend sticking to whatever morning routine you would usually have and getting out of your pajamas and getting ready for the day.
This also includes taking breaks for meals and getting up and walking around when you can. Also, try to limit your screen time and background noise. Just because you don’t have the rest of your team around you doesn’t mean you should be checking social media every 5 minutes or blasting the TV in the background. The more you try to keep a similar routine that you had in an office environment, the more successful you will be.
Utilize Digital Tools
At Atilus, we use a few digital tools to make all our operations and communication when working from home as easy and seamless and possible. Here are a few of the awesome tools we use and what they do:
- Slack – Slack is a communication tool that allows our team to instantly message back and forth. You can set up channels specific to different projects or topics to keep your communications organized. You can also make calls or video chat.
- Zoom – Zoom is a tool that allows you to have remote meetings, both with clients and internally. You can call in or access it in your desktop and you can use video and screen sharing.
- RingCentral – RingCentral allows you to get phone calls remotely. It forwards calls through an app on your phone and allows you to transfer calls internally as well.
- Egnyte – Egnyte is a file-sharing system that allows us to access all important files remotely. We can all update files and collaborate on projects easily.
Get Help from a Digital Agency
We understand that many of us are facing difficult times. We are here to help. If your company has recently made the transition to working remote, feel free to give us a call for help or guidance! You can reach us at (239) 362-1271 or at We would be happy to help local businesses make the transition to working from home (and at no charge).